Friday, August 6, 2010

33 days

Would it be that hard to just push me a little bit further under the 20 pound mark....I lost 4 ounces woo hoo, so exciting since I have been stuck at the same 20 pounds for the past three days. Come on....four ounces, how about a half a pound maybe, or a pound would be nice....I hate this so much I really need to see results or I get depressed. Four ounces is like I sneeze and I can lose that.....grrrrrr again!

I am sticking to this diet to a T sometimes now I am not even hungry enough to eat. I thought that would never happen. Now at dinner time I don't even feel like eating my vegetable, last night I skipped it, I had a decent amount of cabbage at lunch. I had four scallops and my apple and I was done. Who knew 500 calories would be more than satisfying.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

32 days

I'm really frustrated today. I am still at 20 pounds. Not even a single ounce lost. I want to just quit and say forget it but I just can't give up close to the 43 days. I would think that I wouldn't stay the same for the rest of the 11 days but who knows....stranger things have happened. I will be happy when the weekend is here because I always feel like I get better sleep plus my husband will be home from a weeklong work trip and I can rest a little easier when he's home. Maybe that's what's holding me up....good news is that I have lost a total of five inches off of my waist. One off my arms....and almost one off of my neck....didn't realize I had such a fat neck lol....and I went to Sears yesterday and bought a pair of jean Capri pants that were 2 sizes smaller. I told myself I wasn't going to buy any more clothes until I reached my goal weight however they were 5.99 on clearance and I couldn't resist. It was also nice looking at shirts and realizing that I had to look say to myself, nope those are too big. It's been a long time since I said large and extra large were way too big...yippee....I bought a tank top that was 1.99 and a jacket for 5.99 too so I did really well yesterday. Except for those damn extra 10 pounds.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

31 days and still the same

This is the 31st day and I am stuck at 20 measly pounds....come on....what the heck...? I am tired of hearing that people lose 30 pounds in 30 days....I can't seem to get past the 20 pound mark....not a single ounce...I am getting frustrated and tired of being patient...This is no fun was fun when I was losing the first week...grrrrrrr....I want least 10 more and it's not going to happen in 12 days...not this way anyway...!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

30 days....20 pounds

Finally made it to 20 pounds... I didn't think that it would on to the rest....10 more to go...3 days to go.... I know I am not going to mKe it to 30 pounds which is kind of depressing to me but I will take it one day at a time. I can't make it happen any quicker. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

29th day

19.7 pounds total lost in 29 days...not too bad, I was definitely hoping for more than this by now but I will take it. Still 14 days to go on my first round. I am sure I will do this again in a couple of weeks, my ultimate goal was 40 pounds total ... Okay I would take 50 but I will stop at 40.... ( unless of course it just falls of in the 23 day round....then I wont )

Sunday, August 1, 2010

28 days...gained some ounces

Worked my butt off yesterday and my muscles are really sore so I am assuming that the few ounces I have gained is just temporary water weight. I am still in the 150 range so I am still happy. I just can't figure out why it's so hard for me to lose 20 pounds....can't I just get to 20? Please! Seriously my goal this round was 30 and I am struggling with 20. Oh well, we will see 15 days to go.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

27 days

Okay....back in the 150's so I am happy today....I was getting worried...I just want to get to 30 before the 43 days is up and I just don't see that happening... We will see.